Another 10mistakes of cooking

Here are another 10 mistakes we make while cooking – continued from earlier post:

Don’t shallow fry food if you need it to cook quickly. Deep frying is better in such cases. Use oils with a high smoking point.

Don’t simply substitute sugar with honey or jaggery. You need not cut-out sugar completely from your diet.

Don’t replace all white food with brown ones. Brown bread may not necessarily mean whole wheat bread.

Don’t be quick to replace rice with quinoa or any new food. Don’t switch to instant oats. If you want to eat oats, buy steel cut oats and cook it for as long as it takes.

Don’t try different food just because you think it is healthier than Indian food.

Don’t replace your salt with rock salt or any other salt without checking whether it is iodised.

Don’t replace ghee and butter with vanaspati because you think it is low-cal. Not true. One tablespoon: Butter: 103.5 cal, Ghee: 85.6 cal, Vanaspati ghee: 122.4 cal, Margarine: 108 cal.

Don’t switch to raw food in the form of salads for major meals suddenly, try whether it suits your system gradually.

Don’t cook with zero oil just because you want to binge later. Oil is needed for the body and it doesn’t contain cholesterol

Don’t use microwaves when you need convection cooking.

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