10 mistakes we do while cooking

You MAYBE trying to lose weight or need to eat healthy because you or someone in your family has to by doctor’s recommendation or to maintain their BMI or any other disease, the first thing you do is change the way you cook. When doing so, avoid committing these common mistakes.

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Don’t switch to extra virgin olive oil or any so-called healthy oil without checking whether it is meant for high-heat Indian food like dosas or sabjis.

Eating at home is always preferable. Homemade fried food like puri or desserts like gulab jamun are better than store bought ones.

Chop vegetables evenly or else they take longer to cook and lose nutrition in the process. Also, add vegetables to the pan according to the time each will take to cook and not all at one go.

Don’t use non-stick cookware that is chipped (black coating peeling off) or if it emits a weird smell when it is hot.

Don’t just microwave food and serve it immediately check whether the food is evenly cooked.

Don’t make juices, shakes and smoothies and refrigerate them. Fruits are meant to be eaten fresh and not cut and stored. 

Don’t skip the bread or other carbs when you make eggs for breakfast, carbs are needed to absorb the protein from eggs.

Don’t switch to sugar substitutes for all desserts. Do your research properly as there are some sugar substitutes that can actually be bad for you. Also, sugar-free does not mean low calorie.

Don’t buy or use that range of plastic containers to store food. It is more hygienic to use steel. In the same way, use good quality wooden chopping boards and spatulas instead of plastic because wood is easier to clean and does not promote the growth of bacteria.

Don t be quick to replace traditional cooking methods with grills and barbecues because smoked and char grilled food may cause cancer. If you must use them, make sure these are properly cleaned. 

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